It worked.

Great Product, Better People

In Headblade on December 14, 2009 at 8:42 am

Pictured, L to R: Lee (in the monkey tee), Jack (too quick for the camera), Mac & Me

There’s more to a company than just a logo and catchy tag-line.  Aside from certain areas in Nevada, every brand or business has actual human beings working to advance the products & services.  Telling those stories, and joining conversations, demonstrates that you care (Gary Vaynerchuk’s #1 marketing tip in Crush It. See Chapter 9).

It’s easy to pick up on the dynamic at Headblade.  And there’s a ton of stories, pictures and events that prove it.  I look forward to learning from the guys who’ve been there for a few years.  Every one of them has been helpful so far, and you can tell they treat each other like a tight-knit family.  Each person wants to see the collective success of Headblade.

It reminds me of the parable Todd referenced about three men working in a field of rocks.  Each was asked what he was doing, and the first man says “Can’t you see? I’m breaking rocks!”.  The second man replies “Can’t you see? I’m earning my salary.” The third man answers with excitement, “Can’t you see? I’m building a cathedral!”.  That story reiterates what I am trying to embody: Legacy > Currency.

  1. The guy in the black hoody is definitely the hottest! LOL

  2. Just saw a pic of the CEO of , Raul Vazquez. If he is not a Headblade customer, get him onboard.

  3. I just saw your video and loved the creativity you put in to finding a job. A lot of men shave their heads, and I for one, am thankful the combover is out of fashion, and sexy is back. For you guys that are insecure about being bald – don’t be, it is sexy! Kudos to Headblade for giving guys a cool tool to use, we all know guys like their tools 🙂 I know your goal wasn’t to create a sexy advertisement or to appeal to women, but don’t exclude promoting to women, because we love finding cool gadgets for our men, and Father’s day is just around the bend.
    Good luck with your new job.

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