It worked.

Archive for 2009|Yearly archive page

WISH-TV Covers The Story

In Headblade on December 19, 2009 at 2:28 am

(click picture to see WISH-TV video & article)

Liza Danver and WISH-TV came by my apartment yesterday and shot a segment for the 11 o’clock news.  It was a bit strange to have a news crew in my living room, but they couldn’t have been a more personable, professional duo.  Thanks again for dealing with my sickness (see: water bottle), and a somewhat messy apartment.

Also, I wanted to clarify my job duties at the very end of the video.  While I will be incorporating social media strategies into HeadBlade’s marketing plan, the job’s scope reaches far beyond simply Facebook and Twitter.  As Marketing Manager of HeadBlade, I will be dealing with all aspects of marketing from sponsorships/events to mobile & search marketing, and everything in between.  There’s been a high bar set for this position, but I’m ready for the challenge.

HeadBladers Get Sick, Too

In Headblade on December 17, 2009 at 6:40 pm

I feel like the Mike Jordan of recordin’…. videos on my couch.  Here, I talk a little about my trip to LA, dealing with sickness, some Headblade products, and a little sports.

Great Product, Better People

In Headblade on December 14, 2009 at 8:42 am

Pictured, L to R: Lee (in the monkey tee), Jack (too quick for the camera), Mac & Me

There’s more to a company than just a logo and catchy tag-line.  Aside from certain areas in Nevada, every brand or business has actual human beings working to advance the products & services.  Telling those stories, and joining conversations, demonstrates that you care (Gary Vaynerchuk’s #1 marketing tip in Crush It. See Chapter 9).

It’s easy to pick up on the dynamic at Headblade.  And there’s a ton of stories, pictures and events that prove it.  I look forward to learning from the guys who’ve been there for a few years.  Every one of them has been helpful so far, and you can tell they treat each other like a tight-knit family.  Each person wants to see the collective success of Headblade.
Read the rest of this entry »

Who Does It Best?

In Headblade on December 14, 2009 at 8:16 am

In the next few weeks, I’ll be overtaking the Headblade social media accounts and starting a few projects before the official move.  I’ll be doing Twitter polls/surveys (@Headblade) but wanted to get input here first.  A recent article highlighted Dell’s $6.5 million in sales directly attributed to Twitter.  Granted, that’s a small number compared to Dell’s overall annual revenue, it’s still another example of how businesses are utilizing new media to generate sales, and connect with customers.

What companies do you see implementing social media most successfully? (Ideally from a consumer product standpoint)  What types of content makes you want to engage with a company?

Customer, Fan, Marketing Manager

In Headblade on December 11, 2009 at 1:34 am

Me (left) with Todd Greene, CEO/Founder/Designer of Headblade (right)

I started as a Headblade customer in 2005.  I became a fan before it was time to buy new blades.  And now, I am moving from Indianapolis to Los Angeles (approx. 2,000 miles) to fulfill the role of Marketing Manager at Headblade, Inc.

Todd and Headblade were gracious hosts from the moment I arrived in LA.  After two days spending time with everyone at the office, I had absorbed a lot of product history, company info, etc.  But more importantly, I felt at home.  This is a place to work hard, be innovative, and have fun doing it (as demonstrated by Portis the bulldog). Read the rest of this entry »